TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Consolidate Chart of Accounts

Use the Consolidate Chart of Accounts function to consolidate the account balances from one GL Master to another. You can also use this function to consolidate the accounts from several GL Masters into one file.

You must set up a Consolidate To account number with a step from 1 to 9 in the Chart of Accounts function on the Setup and Maintenance menu prior to running the Consolidate Chart of Accounts. When you set up the consolidate to account number the account number must exist in both the source and destination company.

Only companies with identical account masks can be consolidated.

Caution: If you use the Consolidate Chart of Accounts function to consolidate a company with another active company, TRAVERSE adds the balances of the "from" company to those of the "to" company. If you want to preserve account balances as they are, you can print consolidated statements for the companies instead of physically combining them (see below).